Friday, 24 February 2012


Too many upcoming artistes believe they need a manager, when they don't! They sign management contracts, ranging from the most one-sided contracts favouring the manager, to the most meaningless contracts, and everything in between.

Does it ever make sense for an artiste to have a manager? Yes it does! There does get to a point in your career when it’s necessary to have a manager. The question is you there yet?

“A good manager can be very hard to find, because managing a person is a risky business. It means that this person is willing to put their own reputation on the line, because they believe so much in the artiste they are representing.” ©Cheryl Hodge

A manager will first take a good hard look at you before beginning to market you to a record Label. They will help you define your look, your style, your performance on stage, and even sometimes define the direction your music is taking.

The issue here is, when do you think you need a manager? You need to ask yourself this question: AM I MARKETABLE?
To find a great manager, you will need to have reached a certain "level of greatness". Believe me; good managers will track YOU down says Cheryl Hodge.  And it’s true! You must work hard to put your name out there and trust me, one there’s a buzz around you, managers will come knocking!

But before you get to that level, you need to learn how to create that buzz to attract the right manager’s attention. Truth is that in the early stages of your career, there’s nothing a manager can do for you that you cannot do for yourself. 

So how do you manage yourself as an upcoming artiste?
To be continued…………………….

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