Most artistes have a strong need for approval. Mainly because their work is intended for the public ear. But a truly creative mind just wants an avenue for expression without caring if he or she is accepted or not.
I have seen several promising upcoming artistes throw in the towel after meeting several brick walls on their way in. some blame everyone who hadn’t supported them, insinuating that if they had gotten more support they would have been more successful.
Some blame their quitting on lack of support from family and friends, the local media, OAPs and whatever!
Is someone telling to give up your dreams because “they just don’t think it’s realistic” or they “don’t see you as superstar material”?
Let me tell you one thing: If you want a formula for failure, it’s just one word. Quit. That’s the one thing that will definitely stop your career cold. According to Christopher Knab, “If you’re quitting because the people you think are important haven’t properly recognized your talents, then you have your head on backwards.”
You cannot let criticism stop you! You shouldn’t let ridicule and un-acceptance even by industry people diminish your drive and passion to create either. The “celebrities” of today were once rejected and ridiculed upcoming artistes of yesterday.
A lot of really creative people suffered rejection from parents, but they still followed their dreams and passion. And it paid off in the end. So why would you let anyone box you into a corner?
One sound advice I can give you is that, DON’T COME INTO THIS INDUSTRY LOOKING FOR FAME AND FORTUNE. You do what you do for the simple reason that you love and enjoy making music. That way, you will save yourself the heartache that comes with rejection.
Think about this; inside the word discouragement is the word courage. So keep on keeping on. If you’re as good as you think you are, start working today to prove it, and never give up!